Sunday, July 12, 2009

Seasteading Awards

Just catching up on emails and ran across this sent my way via Seasteading. This was fascinating concept, its summer and I love ocean water. Basically, you had to design it on the platform then all else was up to you. The winner was a 27 yo Hungarian graphic artist Andras Gyorfi. He called his creation "Swimming City". I love this but with some minor changes.
Tropical plants, railings so the kids won't fall off the edge, rooftop viewing vistas (including a multi roof jogging/ garden walkway with windbreak) and the building on the far left doesn't have any windows facing the ocean. Not critical review, because I am not savvy in 3D yet so, this is out of my current league. Hey if you have to imagine, I'm putting in my wish list.

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Thursday, July 9, 2009

I want to live in this paper house....

An artist friend sent me this way along her travels. This is entirely made of paper. The artist's name is Wataru Itou an he is an art student in Tokyo. I would also like him to get his architecture degree. Amazing. It took four years, the train even moves. The exhibition has a video of him at work at his creation. It is called a "Castle in the Ocean", I believe if I have it right it is being exhibited in a place called Umihotaru (sp). Paper is how I started in design, never went this far, oh too see it in person. This is art, patience and genius. Enjoy.

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